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Orlando Therapist Blog

Welcome! Here you will find resources for therapy Orlando, as well as posts related to anxiety therapy, trauma therapy, and toxic relationship therapy. Join us as we share tools for hope, healing, and transformation. Choose Mindful Living as a way of life! Click below to hop straight to our guided meditations:

Anxiety Jenny Doré Anxiety Jenny Doré

How Judgement Erodes our Planet (and Curiosity Heals)

If there is one thing that will put you in your own personal hell and destroy your mental health, it’s judgement. What does judgement do? It categorizes things into two categories: one that is desirable and one that is undesirable, much like good/bad, right/wrong, pretty/ugly, worthy/worthless, smart/stupid. I’m sure you get the picture.

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Anxiety Lauran Hahn Anxiety Lauran Hahn

Anxiety Therapist Shares a Guided Meditation for Anxiety: Container and Storage

Anxiety Therapist Shares a Guided Meditation for Anxiety: Container and Storage

By: Lauran Hahn, LMHC

Anxiety and overwhelm can be a powerful dictator in someone’s life. However, it can be managed through daily meditation and mindfulness practice. At Mindful Living Counseling Orlando, we provide grounding practices to our clients who struggle with anxiety and trauma. Guided Meditation is one of our favorite grounding techniques.

Get yourself into a comfortable space, and listen to the Container and Storage practice below to give yourself the tools to put away certain events, memories, or situations that are causing you anxiety at the moment and return to them when and if you are ready.

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Anxiety Jenny Doré Anxiety Jenny Doré

10 Steps to Turn Your Inner Critic Into Your Friend

Orlando Anxiety Therapist providing tips to settle when your inner critic is taking over.

You know that little internal voice that spews negative self-talk? Of course you do! We all have one. I like to call it your little inner critic.

The little inner critic says things like, "You're not enough." Whether it is not good enough, smart enough, or skilled enough, it is constantly sending you messages that you don't measure up in some way.

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Anxiety Jenny Doré Anxiety Jenny Doré

21 Relaxing Activities to Help you get to Sleep

An anxiety therapist in Orlando providing relaxation tips to increase your ability to sleep.

Having difficulties sleeping? Sleeping difficulties are common when life is or becomes turbulent. You could be having difficulties with work, with your relationship, with your friends, conflict in your spiritual world, a tough time with your mental health, financial difficulties, or be going through some big life changes - all of which could contribute to your difficulties sleeping.

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Anxiety Jenny Doré Anxiety Jenny Doré

6 Tips to Bring the Best You to 2021

Orlando anxiety therapist providing 6 simple steps for implementing a sustainable self-care plan.

Does 2020 have you feeling exhausted, anxious, or worn out? This year has put every person on the planet through the wringer. It taxed our communities, our nation, and our world. Through all the trials and tribulations, this year has compelled many of us to take a stand for things we believe in big and small. If this year is tugging at you to dig deep and make changes personally, politically, or globally, you will need to bring the best version of yourself to 2021.

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Anxiety Jenny Doré Anxiety Jenny Doré

39 Gift Ideas for People with Anxiety

Orlando Anxiety Therapist Providing Gift Ideas for People with Anxiety

When gifting a loved one, choosing something personal and meaningful is often the best way to go to provide them something that you know they will cherish. If your loved one struggles with anxiety, a gift that can bring calm, relaxation, and grounding into their life may be the best direction to take.

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Anxiety Jenny Doré Anxiety Jenny Doré

Orlando Therapist: 7 Tips for Reducing Stress Through a Pandemic Holiday

Orlando Therapist: 7 Tips for Reducing Stress Through a Pandemic Holiday

However, as an anxiety counselor and trauma therapist, I understand that the idea of a new and different holiday can make some people feel anxious. Change can be difficult especially during a sensitive time like a pandemic where our need to feel safe, secure, and supported is already at an all time high.

I invite you to continue reading for ways to help you reduce stress and anxiety during this year’s pandemic holiday season.

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Anxiety Jenny Doré Anxiety Jenny Doré

Guided Meditation for Self-Forgiveness

Orlando Anxiety Therapist Providing a Guided Mediation for Self-Forgiveness

If you’ve realized it’s time to take steps toward self-forgiveness… I am happy you are here.

I have prepared this guided meditation to give you a space to unpack the behaviour that you are having difficulties forgiving yourself for, validate the need that was being met through the behaviour, and then let it go.

When you’re ready, get started below by listening to the guided visualization or by reading the script.

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Anxiety Jenny Doré Anxiety Jenny Doré

Alternative Treatments for Anxiety: Floating [Interview Series]

Looking for Alternative Treatments for Anxiety in Orlando?

Welcome to this blog series on alternative approaches for working with anxiety. In this series, I will highlight professionals and resources that help people who are struggling with anxiety feel settled and calm. This post will be highlighting East Coast Floats who use Floating and Infrared Saunas to help people experiencing anxiety, stress, and chronic pain!

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Anxiety Lauran Hahn Anxiety Lauran Hahn

Guided Meditation for Anxiety: Healing Light

Orlando Anxiety Therapist Providing a Guided Mediation for Anxiety

Did you know that there are scientific benefits to meditation? It is effective in helping to reduce stress, promote emotional health, enhance self awareness, and calm anxiety.

I love to share this tool with my clients as a means to calm their anxiety and I want to share it with you too! This particular meditation is great to do after a difficult event, disagreement, or challenging moment where you are feeling uncomfortable and anxious. It’s also a great meditation to do before bed.

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Anxiety Jenny Doré Anxiety Jenny Doré

Anxiety Therapist Shares How to Deal with Stress and Anxiety

Anxiety Therapist: Shares How to Deal with Stress and Anxiety

I originally wrote this blog post on stress and anxiety prior to ever hearing about COVID-19. Now, just six short weeks later as I am getting ready to publish it, the entire world is impacted. My guess is, if you’ve taken a breath today, you’ve heard about the Coronavirus. This is the first time in my lifetime that the entire planet is experiencing the same stressor at the same time.

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Meet our Orlando Therapists

  • Elizabeth Yoak

    Hi! I specialize in working with adults and teens struggling with anxiety, trauma, and depression.

  • Shauna Hughes, Anxiety Therapist in Orlando FL

    Shauna Hughes

    Hi! I work with anxiety, trauma, relationships, and coping with autoimmune diseases.

  •  Lauran Hahn

    Hi! I work with clients struggling with toxic relationship patterns, anxiety, and trauma.

  • Susan Williams

    Hi there! I'm Susan Williams and I specialize in working with teens, adults and couples struggling with grief, anxiety and trauma.