Orlando Therapist Blog
Welcome! Here you will find resources for therapy Orlando, as well as posts related to anxiety therapy, trauma therapy, and toxic relationship therapy. Join us as we share tools for hope, healing, and transformation. Choose Mindful Living as a way of life! Click below to hop straight to our guided meditations:
How to Get Better Sleep
Orlando Therapist Shares: How to get Better Sleep
Do you struggle with sleep? Does your to-do list keep you up at night? Do you have a hard time falling asleep? Or do you wake up mid-night and start thinking about all the things you need to do?
If this sounds like, you are like the other 70 million Americans that struggle with sleep difficulties.
As a trauma and anxiety therapist in Orlando, more than half of my clients struggle with sleep problems. A few restless nights here and there are easy enough to deal with, however ongoing sleep issues can wreak havoc on overall wellbeing.
21 Relaxing Activities to Help you get to Sleep
An anxiety therapist in Orlando providing relaxation tips to increase your ability to sleep.
Having difficulties sleeping? Sleeping difficulties are common when life is or becomes turbulent. You could be having difficulties with work, with your relationship, with your friends, conflict in your spiritual world, a tough time with your mental health, financial difficulties, or be going through some big life changes - all of which could contribute to your difficulties sleeping.
Can't Sleep? 45 Sleep Hacks to Help You Get Your Zzz's.
Orlando Anxiety Therapist Providing Tools to Combat Insomnia
Last week, I was up with my sick kid multiple times a night. At one point, I struggled to fall back to sleep. As I lay there, I thought back to a session I had with a client earlier in the week where we came up with things to do when you can’t sleep. My mind reviewed all the tools I suggested to my client and rather than employ the tools immediately, I did the exact opposite of what I suggested, and I started mapping out this blog post on sleep hacks.
Meet our Orlando Therapists
Elizabeth Yoak
Hi! I specialize in working with adults and teens struggling with anxiety, trauma, and depression.
Shauna Hughes
Hi! I work with anxiety, trauma, relationships, and coping with autoimmune diseases.
Lauran Hahn
Hi! I work with clients struggling with toxic relationship patterns, anxiety, and trauma.
Susan Williams
Hi there! I'm Susan Williams and I specialize in working with teens, adults and couples struggling with grief, anxiety and trauma.