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Orlando Therapist Blog

Welcome! Here you will find resources for therapy Orlando, as well as posts related to anxiety therapy, trauma therapy, and toxic relationship therapy. Join us as we share tools for hope, healing, and transformation. Choose Mindful Living as a way of life! Click below to hop straight to our guided meditations:

Anxiety Lauran Hahn Anxiety Lauran Hahn

Decision-Making Anxiety? Anxiety Therapist Shares 5 Steps to Make Decisions Easier

Orlando Counselor Providing Anxiety Relief

Does making decisions give you anxiety? No matter what you decide to do, you are plagued with internal distress? Do you feel stuck in the mud because none of the choices you make seem to be exactly right? Do you agonize over decisions because you are afraid you’ll make the wrong decision?

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Anxiety Jenny Doré Anxiety Jenny Doré

How to Make Difficult Decisions

Whether it feels like the stakes are super high and you’re afraid of making the wrong decision or you don’t like your options, there is a way to navigate difficult decisions when life places you right in front of what seems like an impossible crossroad.

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Anxiety Jenny Doré Anxiety Jenny Doré

How Judgement Erodes our Planet (and Curiosity Heals)

If there is one thing that will put you in your own personal hell and destroy your mental health, it’s judgement. What does judgement do? It categorizes things into two categories: one that is desirable and one that is undesirable, much like good/bad, right/wrong, pretty/ugly, worthy/worthless, smart/stupid. I’m sure you get the picture.

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Anxiety Jenny Doré Anxiety Jenny Doré

Fear or Intuition? 7 Tips for Tuning into and Trusting Your Intuition

Orlando Counselor Providing Trauma, Anxiety, and Relationship Therapy

Have you ever asked yourself, “Is this fear or my intuition telling me not to do this?” “Is my gut telling me ‘no’ or is my fear holding me back?” About 10 years ago, while I was working through my own anxiety, I asked my counselor a similar question… “How can I tell the difference between my fear and my intuition?”

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Meet our Orlando Therapists

  • Elizabeth Yoak

    Hi! I specialize in working with adults and teens struggling with anxiety, trauma, and depression.

  • Shauna Hughes, Anxiety Therapist in Orlando FL

    Shauna Hughes

    Hi! I work with anxiety, trauma, relationships, and coping with autoimmune diseases.

  •  Lauran Hahn

    Hi! I work with clients struggling with toxic relationship patterns, anxiety, and trauma.

  • Susan Williams

    Hi there! I'm Susan Williams and I specialize in working with teens, adults and couples struggling with grief, anxiety and trauma.