Relationships: LOVE
Orlando Therapist Helping People Heal from Toxic Relationships…
Even though you’re in a healthy relationship, do you sometimes feel like the two of you are in a rut? Does it feel like things are sorta stagnant or like you’re talking about the same things over and over again…kids, work, house stuff.
Does it feel like the depth is missing and you find yourself longing for a little bit more of your partner?
It may be time to take a moment to reflect, taking the time to shift your focus on what's important when you start to feel this overwhelming sensation that your relationship is not where you want it to be. I hope this grounds you and reminds you of where you need to focus your energy to nourish your relationship whether you’re dating, evaluating your friendships, or married.
At Mindful Living Counseling Orlando, we help people heal from and stop the cycle of unhealthy and toxic relationships. All of our therapists specialize in helping people move out of unhealthy relationships patterns so that they can enjoy meaningful and satisfying relationships.
Recently, I listened to a guided practice on Deepak Chopra's meditation app, Chopra, that I just LOVED! Devi Brown took us through the letters that make up the word LOVE and created an acronym by explaining the fundamentals of a healthy and passionate relationship through each letter. I listened to this meditation and then pondered what each letter means to me and its link to having a strong relationship.
L is for Listen
L is the first letter and stands for an important quality, to Listen. Meaning taking the time to hear what your partner is saying. Try to disconnect from anything and everything that will distract you from giving your partner your full attention. I’ll make sure my phone is away, the tv is shut off and the music is lowered. Now I can anchor into the present moment providing my partner my undivided attention. Think of a time you weren’t giving your partner the attention they deserved, how are you going to be a better listener?
We should also look at listening with our body language and assure there is full eye contact. It’s hard to feel seen and heard when….the person you’re talking to has their back towards you. Receive your partner’s thoughts and opinions with open arms so you can feel a more fulfilled connection.
O is for Open
Meanwhile, the letter O reminds us to be Open. This can look like having more conversations where you both are being vulnerable and receptive to what each person shares. This will feel productive because you both have made a concise effort to have a productive dialogue. Let’s avoid lashing out, arguing, or shutting down. Why should we withdraw and sulk in our negative thoughts when we can be open with our partners? It’s powerful to remember that everyone is going through something and life is just easier when we can openly share these feelings.
V is for Validate
The third letter of this word stands for Validate. Validate - To validate means to be open and receptive to what your partner is experiencing without judging or trying to change or fix their experience. Sometimes validating can be difficult because we don’t want our partner to struggle or we can see a solution to their problem. Validating their experience means that we are present for their struggle, that we go into their struggle with them without the expectation that we can fix them.
E is for Encourage
Finally, we arrive at the last letter E for Encourage. Encourage - Life is turbulent. Sometimes it’s excruciatingly difficult and sometimes it is easy peasy. In either case, it sure feels better when we have someone encouraging us through the joys and struggles. Take time to encourage your partner and celebrate your partner’s successes. When your partner is going through a difficult time, be there for your partner cheering them on. What better feeling than knowing your biggest cheerleader is your partner?
Sometimes relationships need a little boost so hopefully using this acronym LOVE can give you that little spark you’ve been missing.
Ready to schedule your first session with an Orlando Therapist?
If you do feel like you’re in a rut in your relationship and you need a little more than this blog post, we’re here to help. We’re offering in-person and virtual appointments. Click here to find out more about counseling at Mindful Living Counseling Orlando.
Additional Resources for Relationship Therapy Orlando
Couples Therapy Orlando: Letting Go of the Pressure for a Perfect Valentine’s Day
Is Arguing Healthy in a Relationship? Insights from an Orlando Therapist
How to Validate Your Partner for Better Communication
How to Talk to Your Ex During and After a Breakup
Don't feel emotionally connected?: 31 signs your partner is emotionally immature
4 Qualities of a Healthy Relationship
Mindful Living Counseling Orlando is a trauma healing center. Our Orlando Therapy Services include anxiety therapy, trauma counseling, eating disorder recovery, teen counseling, and healing from toxic relationships. At Mindful Living Counseling Orlando, we use a down-to-earth approach infused with cutting-edge therapies that go beyond traditional talk therapy so clients can heal at the root level and experience lasting change. Feel free to access one of our Guided Meditations to help you feel settled and calm now.