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Orlando Therapist Blog

Welcome! Here you will find resources for therapy Orlando, as well as posts related to anxiety therapy, trauma therapy, and toxic relationship therapy. Join us as we share tools for hope, healing, and transformation. Choose Mindful Living as a way of life! Click below to hop straight to our guided meditations:

Teens Lauran Hahn Teens Lauran Hahn

Teenage Counselor Helps Your Anxious Teen With College Applications

Teenage Counselor Helps Your Anxious Teen With College Applications

It’s that time of the year - college application deadlines are looming. You see your teen wracked with nerves as these deadlines creep up. You notice the overwhelm they’re experiencing as they fill out each form, submit transcripts and test scores, and then anxiously await a response. What can you do to help them through this difficult process?

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Teens Lauran Hahn Teens Lauran Hahn

Going Back to High School: 5 Tips to Ease Anxiety

Orlando Therapist: 5 Tips to Ease Anxiety

It’s that time of year again! You feel like your Summer went by in the blink of an eye and are preparing for back-to-school season. You feel your anxiety start to peak again at the thought of going back. Or maybe you’re nervous about starting at a new school or starting high school. The thought of walking into the classroom again makes you worry about all the new people and places you’ll be facing.

It is normal to be nervous about the first day of school but what happens when these nerves start to have a negative impact on your mood? Knowing what to do to manage these feelings can be helpful in getting yourself ready for going back.

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Teens Lauran Hahn Teens Lauran Hahn

How to Validate Your Teen so They Feel More Understood

Orlando Therapist: How to Validate Your Teen so They Feel More Understood

You find yourself often at odds with your teen - bickering, fighting, and disagreeing. Your teen often says “you never listen to me” or “you don’t understand.” You try to show them that you are present, listening, and understanding, but this message doesn’t seem to sink in with them.

You want to improve the conversations you have with your teen, but you don’t know where to start. A powerful tool in communication is validation - giving your teen the recognition that you understand their emotions, thoughts, and perspectives. Validation can be a powerful tool to use in conversation. Using this technique can convey that you are present, listening, and seeing where your teen is coming from. When your teen feels understood and heard by you, this often helps improve the desire to hear you out as well.

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Teens Lauran Hahn Teens Lauran Hahn

How to Find an Orlando Therapist for Teens

Orlando has a lot to offer teens - theme parks, wonderful natural parks, springs, and the beach is only an hour away! Sometimes, however, we need to extend our search beyond fun destinations. There are times we need to search for a teen therapist in Orlando.

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Teens Jenny Doré Teens Jenny Doré

What to Expect: Teen Therapy Orlando

Bringing your teen to counseling for the first time can be an overwhelming experience. If this is your first time going to a therapist as well, maybe you are unaware of what to expect or what will happen during the first session. You may have found a great counselor for your teen in Orlando, but what should you expect to happen during the first sessions?

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Teens, Parenting Jenny Doré Teens, Parenting Jenny Doré

How to Talk to Your Teen: 6 Helpful Steps

Orlando Therapist Offering Helpful Tips about How to Talk to Your Teen. You are constantly arguing - day after day you are going in circles about the same topics with no resolution. It’s impossible to get through the day without some disagreement taking place. How can you begin to improve your relationship when you can’t agree on the simplest things?

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Meet our Orlando Therapists

  • Elizabeth Yoak

    Hi! I specialize in working with adults and teens struggling with anxiety, trauma, and depression.

  • Shauna Hughes, Anxiety Therapist in Orlando FL

    Shauna Hughes

    Hi! I work with anxiety, trauma, relationships, and coping with autoimmune diseases.

  •  Lauran Hahn

    Hi! I work with clients struggling with toxic relationship patterns, anxiety, and trauma.

  • Susan Williams

    Hi there! I'm Susan Williams and I specialize in working with teens, adults and couples struggling with grief, anxiety and trauma.